Posts tagged Lisa Morales-Hellebo
#TNYSCM36 / Supply Chains, China, & The New Cold War
#TWSCF, Monthly Meetup, VIDEOLisa Morales-Hellebo#TNYSCM36, #TWSCF, #TNYSCM, Brian Laung Aoaeh, Lisa Morales-Hellebo, Meetup, cyber security, data, China
How changes in logistics and the supply chain will impact customer experience
Lisa Morales-Hellebo, Co-Founder of REFASHIOND Ventures Named Top Supply Chain Professional
Media, Award, RecognitionLisa Morales-HelleboAward, Lisa Morales-Hellebo, Supply chain, Women in Supply Chain, Women in Business, Women Leaders, Women Innovators, Recognition, Supply & Demand Chain Executive, Top Supply Chain Executive 2020
Brian Laung Aoaeh & Lisa Morales-Hellebo: Fixing the PPE Supply Chain to Protect Our Lives
Media, COVID19, #TWSCFLisa Morales-HelleboLeadersIn, Covid19, CovidX, Supply Chain, TWSCF, Brian Laung Aoaeh, Lisa Morales-Hellebo, Made in the USA, American Made
Private Industry Pitching In to Produce PPE to Augment Government Supplies
Media, COVID19Lisa Morales-HelleboSourcing Journal, PPE, PPE supplies, Made in the USA, American Made, #TWSCF, #GetMePPE, Lisa Morales-Hellebo, Brian Laung Aoaeh, JOOR, Airtable, covid19, covidx
The Worldwide Supply Chain Federation Partners with JOOR to Produce and Distribute Life-Saving Medical Supplies
The Worldwide Supply Chain Federation Partners with JOOR to Produce and Distribute Life-Saving Medical Supplies to Thousands of Healthcare Professionals
Media, COVID19Lisa Morales-HelleboFibre2Fashion, Lisa Morales-Hellebo, Brian Laung Aoaeh, JOOR, PPE, ppe supplies, covidx, covid19, fashion supply chain, supply chain, emergency supply chain, made in the usa
Fashion Brands Team up to Make Protective Gear for Healthcare Workers
Media, COVID19Lisa Morales-HelleboFOX Business, Varney & Co, news, media, covid19, covidx, #twscf, Lisa Morales-Hellebo, tv, video, ppe, made in the usa, job creation, national security
U.S. Fashion Industry Mobilizes To Supply Hospitals With Protective Gear To Meet Threat From Coronavirus
Media, COVID19Lisa Morales-Hellebofashion supply chain, Made in the USA, Apparel, supply chain, manufacturing, job creation, Rosie the Riveter, Forbes, Lisa Morales-Hellebo
An open letter to the Supply Chain Caucus of the U.S. House of Representatives
An open letter to the Supply Chain Caucus of the U.S. House of Representatives