#TNYSCM36 / Supply Chains, China, & The New Cold War
#TWSCF, Monthly Meetup, VIDEOLisa Morales-Hellebo#TNYSCM36, #TWSCF, #TNYSCM, Brian Laung Aoaeh, Lisa Morales-Hellebo, Meetup, cyber security, data, China
How a Zapier-Like System Could Revolutionize our Supply Chains.
#TSCSCM, #TWSCF, Monthly Meetup, VIDEOLisa Morales-HelleboSoCal Supply Chain Meetup, Southern California, #TSCSCM, #TWSCF, supplychain, supply chain, Meetup
Drayage Truckers' Biggest Challenge for Going Electric
#TWSCF, VIDEO, #TSCSCMLisa Morales-Hellebo#TSCSCM, SoCal Supply Chain Meetup, video, supplychain, #TWSCF, supply chain, drayage, truckers
How to Motivate Entrepreneurs to Innovate in Supply Chain
#TSCSCM, #TWSCF, Monthly Meetup, VIDEOLisa Morales-HelleboSoCal Supply Chain Meetup, Southern California, #TSCSCM, #TWSCF, supplychain, supply chain, Meetup, community
The Biggest Vulnerability & Opportunity in Supply Chain
Private Industry Pitching In to Produce PPE to Augment Government Supplies
Media, COVID19Lisa Morales-HelleboSourcing Journal, PPE, PPE supplies, Made in the USA, American Made, #TWSCF, #GetMePPE, Lisa Morales-Hellebo, Brian Laung Aoaeh, JOOR, Airtable, covid19, covidx
The Worldwide Supply Chain Federation Partners with JOOR to Produce and Distribute Life-Saving Medical Supplies
Supply Chain, Innovation, & Technology (#SCIT2019) - Event Summary