Our Vision
The world is a supply chain.™
A Golden Age in Supply Chain
We believe that “The world is a supply chain.”
Global supply chains enable the movement of goods, information, capital, and people, driving global production and consumption. In the past supply chains have remained an afterthought. That is changing.
We believe that inefficiencies in global supply chains impose additional annual overhead costs of between 15% and 20% of global GDP – some economists argue these estimates are low, because in the developing world such additional overhead costs can be as high as 70% and more. These hidden costs severely dampen corporate profits, and reduce societal well-being.
We believe that global supply chain networks are entering a golden age of innovation, driven by increasing demand and consumption of goods and services by people all over the world.
We believe that several technological developments of the recent past now make it possible to solve some of the world’s most entrenched supply chain problems in ways not possible before.
Starting from the Ground Up
That’s why we’re building an open, global, multidisciplinary community of people devoted to building the supply chain networks of the future.
Our community will curate, and organize a series of events that seek, find, encourage, and include a wide range of views and ideas on the most significant problems related to global supply chain networks, as well as the innovations and technologies that may be deployed to solve them. We are building a decentralized platform to help ideas about supply chain innovation flourish.
We are starting in New York City. Our ambition is to create a global movement; the largest community on the planet of people who like supply chain technology, and are trying to build new products and companies, while learning from each other.
Our Mission
To nurture and grow the world’s foremost open, global, multidisciplinary community of people devoted to building the supply chain networks of the future — starting in NYC.
Our Vision
To create a global movement; the largest community on the planet of people obsessed with supply chain technology and innovation.